Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Regarding Changing Education Paradigms

Any form of creativity must be spawn from a solid understanding of the basic parameters. Fundamental knowledge must be acquired and understood in order for the information to be synthesized and reorganized into new ways of thinking. This general knowledge can be most efficiently acquired from school. This should not be viewed as limitation for creativity, in fact, without it there can be no creativity. For example, kids who are distracted by iphones, television and other modern entertainment technologies can only go so far as be audience to other people's creativity. By watching television does not give you the skills needed to produce a show; by playing a game on ipad does not give you the knowledge of programming the software; and by going to movies does not give you the ability to act. All of these things needs a systematic way of passing on previous knowledge before new products are resulted from new methods of production. The explosion of information of the last century demands a systematic way of filtering, organizing and passing on of information. I know school is hard ok? But there is no other way around it. And by the way, the education paradigm and lack of creativity is not the cause of the economic downturn, if you have studied in China you would know, what it feels like to go through the same exact reading material as your mother did while she was in elementary school. And China's economy? Not doing too bad.


  1. And Michigan's schools? Filled with Chinese!

  2. (why?)

    (because it's too hard for k-12 Michigan schools to get more 33% of the questions right on standardized tests, let alone 66%)
